Saturday 11.22.14 Competitor WOD


Snatch Balance (1RM)


“The Royal Tenenbaums”
Partner Up!
Teams of 3:
100 Sumo Deadlifts (115,75)
80 Hang Power Cleans (115,75)
60 Front Squats (115,75)
40 Push Jerks (115,75)
20 Thrusters (115,75)
**One athlete works at a time. Every minute on the minute, stop where you are and all three athletes complete 5 burpees
**Score time
**A CFNE favorite
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
• Thursday 11.27.14 –  9am WOD, 10am Flag Football at Radnor Memorial Park
• Friday 11.28.14 – 9:30am & 4:30pm (both with babysitting)
• Saturday 11.29.14 – Regular Schedule Resumes