Friday 12.5.14 Competitor WOD

Max Effort Upper


Floor Press (1RM – in less than 10 reps after 50%)


“False Flags”
7 Rounds
200m Row
1 Snatch
**Only 1 attempt to complete a full snatch each round. If you fail do not count towards score
**Score total weight moved and time of completion in comments
**20min Time Cap

Special Strength

4×10 ring push ups against max band tension

Special Strength

3RM Upright Row


100 heavy banded standing ab crunches


200 banded push downs


12.6.14 – Holiday Amazing Race
• CrossFit Main Line will NOT hold classes
• CrossFit R5 will be open 8:30am and 9:30am
(babysitting will be available at both times)
12.13.14 CrossFit Holiday party @ Kelly’s Taproom 6-8pm