Tuesday 12.9.14 Competitor WOD

Max Effort Upper


Split Jerk (1RM – in less than 10 reps after 50%)
**Take from rack


“Fat Cat”
3 Rounds
1min at each movement for max reps
Fat Bar Hang Cleans (115,75)
Burpee Box Overs (20,20)
HSPU to a 2″ deficit
Gymnastics Bar Complex (K2E+T2B)
Max Cal Row
1min Rest
** Score total reps of all 3 rounds

Special Strength

5×5 snatch grip BTN strict press
**Build across

Special Strength

4×20 banded straight arm lat pull down


3×15 partner leg throws


 4x1min max weight DB holds
**hold at the end of the DB with your finger tips


12.13.14 CrossFit Holiday party @ Kelly’s Taproom 6-8pm
Taking PROGENEX Pre-Orders now! Email jenn@crossfitbda.com with your order. Order will be placed by Friday 12/12