A: Clean Complex (1×1)
Clean Pull w/ Shrug + Clean
B1: Back Squat (8×3)
Build to a peak triple by set 6, repeat weight (or close to it) for sets 7 & 8
Try to start heavier than normal or make large jumps in the beginning, you should be warmed up from cleans
Superset with push press for sets 1-6, rest 60-90 sec in between exercises
25 min
B2: Push Press (6×3)
Build to a peak triple
X: Side Plank (2x:30 each side (optional))
5 min
1 set every 2:00
12 sets total, build to peak single
Start at roughly 40-50% of clean, make 7-10% jumps until 70-80%, then 3-5% jumps until peak