What is your 2015 Motto?
“In order to obtain something you have never had, you must be willing to do something that you have never done.” – Thomas Jefferson
Every year CrossFit Athletes enter their Boxes with goals and aspirations but with no true guidelines for success. This year at Main Line and R5, instead of writing up a list of goals, we are asking our Athletes to establish a 2015 motto that will help them reach their overall goal of living a healthier lifestyle.
Over the course of the year we tend to lose sight of why we exercise, the importance of nutrition, where we were when we first started CrossFit and how far we have come and why this community is so important to helping all of us achieve our goals. So think hard and long about this one and join the rest of us on the whiteboard and at the Box as we strive to live healthier lives in 2015.
Motto Examples
CrossFit Kids Is Back!
Winter/Spring Schedule starts January 5th
CrossFit Teens (ages 12+)
Monday 4:30
Thursday 4:30
CrossFit Pre-Teen (ages 8-12)
Tuesday & Thursday 4:30
CrossFit Kids (ages 5-8)
Thursday 4:30pm