Max Effort Upper
Bench Press (1RM against micro bands)
30 Strict Pull Ups (Time)
**Last completed on 10.14.14
WOD #1
10min AMRAP
100m Farmers Carry (70/70,55/55)
10 Sit Ups
**Score total rounds + Reps, 100m = 1rep
100m Farmers Carry (70/70,55/55)
10 Sit Ups
**Score total rounds + Reps, 100m = 1rep
3min Rest to WOD #2
WOD #2
Zuul (AMRAP – Reps)
7min AMRAP
20 KB Swings (70,55)
20 Dubs (x3)
30 KB Swings (55,45)
30 Dubs (x3)
40 KB Swings (45,35)
40 Dubs (x3)
50 KB Swings (35,25)
50 Dubs (x3)
**Score total reps
20 KB Swings (70,55)
20 Dubs (x3)
30 KB Swings (55,45)
30 Dubs (x3)
40 KB Swings (45,35)
40 Dubs (x3)
50 KB Swings (35,25)
50 Dubs (x3)
**Score total reps
Special Strength
4×8 behind the neck press, wide grip
**moderate weight
**moderate weight
Special Strength
4×12 Banded seated tricep extension
10RM Overhead Barbell Sit Up with feet anchored
100 banded high pulls