Clean + Push PressĀ (1RM)
Partner “Luke”
Teams of 2
400m Row
15 Clean and Jerks (155,105)
400m Row
30 T2B
400m Row
45 Wall Balls (20,14)
400m Row
45 KB Swings (55,35)
400m Row
30 Ring Dips
400m Row
15 Barbell Lunges (155,105)(L+R=2)
400m Row
**35min time cap
**Reps do not have to be equally shared
400m Row
15 Clean and Jerks (155,105)
400m Row
30 T2B
400m Row
45 Wall Balls (20,14)
400m Row
45 KB Swings (55,35)
400m Row
30 Ring Dips
400m Row
15 Barbell Lunges (155,105)(L+R=2)
400m Row
**35min time cap
**Reps do not have to be equally shared