Thursday 3.12.15 Competitor WOD

Dynamic Effort Lower


Sumo Deadlift (6×3 Sumo Deadlift @ 55% 1RM + Band Tension)
 >300# 1RM green band
<300# 1RM blue band


“Black Mamba”
In 20min Complete:
–800m Run–
10 Front Squats
20 Hang Power Cleans
30 Deadlifts
40 Double unders (x3)
**135, 95 across all movements
**Score time

Special Strength

1×8 Back Squat @ 50% 1RM
**Over the next several weeks we will work across multiple variations. If you fail to complete the percentage + weight prescribed, stop, change variation (front squat, overhead, box) return to 50% and continue with the weekly programming.

Special Strength

3×8 Good Morning for max tension
**Use barbell + max tension


100 Sit Ups –  feet anchored


1×100 seated banded leg curls