Dynamic Effort Lower
Sumo Deadlift (6×3 Sumo Deadlift @ 60% 1RM + Band Tension )
“Lucky Charms”
200m Run
17 Deadlifts (225,135)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
17 Front Squats (135,95)
17 Burpess Bar Hops
200m Run
17 OHS (95,65)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
**15min time cap
17 Deadlifts (225,135)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
17 Front Squats (135,95)
17 Burpess Bar Hops
200m Run
17 OHS (95,65)
17 Burpees Bar Hops
200m Run
**15min time cap
Special Strength
1Ă—8 Back Squat @ 50% 1RM + 10#
**Over the next several weeks we will work across multiple variations. If you fail to complete the percentage + weight prescribed, stop. The next week change the variation (front squat, overhead then box) return to 50% and continue adding 10# per week until failure
**Over the next several weeks we will work across multiple variations. If you fail to complete the percentage + weight prescribed, stop. The next week change the variation (front squat, overhead then box) return to 50% and continue adding 10# per week until failure
Special Strength
4×12 Belt Squat on foam pads
**go for max load
**go for max load
100 Pall of Press – kneeling
5min Banded Marching
<300# 1RM blue band