Clean (10 x 1 against micro (red) bands)
**Max load + micro band, this is a full squat clean
Snatch (12×2 @ 70% 1RM)
23min Gymnasaty AMRAP
60 Cal Row
50 Burpees to Plate (45,25)
40 KB Swings (55,35)
30 OH Lunge w/ Plate (45,25) (L+R=2)
20 Muscle Ups, bar or ring
10 Pistols, Alternating (L+R=2)
5 HSPU to a 6″ deficit
*Scale 1 Pistol = 3 Air Squats
*Scale 1 Muscle Ups = 1 C2B
*6″ deficit = x2 45# plates to Ab Mat
*Score total reps
50 Burpees to Plate (45,25)
40 KB Swings (55,35)
30 OH Lunge w/ Plate (45,25) (L+R=2)
20 Muscle Ups, bar or ring
10 Pistols, Alternating (L+R=2)
5 HSPU to a 6″ deficit
*Scale 1 Pistol = 3 Air Squats
*Scale 1 Muscle Ups = 1 C2B
*6″ deficit = x2 45# plates to Ab Mat
*Score total reps
3 x 30 Alternating T2B