4.1.15 Box Brief

Easter Sunday Schedule

**Easter Sunday 8:30am only w/ babysitting only, no yoga
**Barbell Club 10:30am Saturday @ ML


During the month of April accumulate as many sit ups and midline movements as you can. Movements completed in class count towards your total, score your totals on the whiteboard by moving along the marker of your choice. Top three Athletes with the highest numbers get their pick of some pretty incredible prizes; CrossFit swag, Ab-Hancer, 6 pack of beer.

Rules: Complete as many sit ups or midline movements as you can. Count the reps completed  in class. Seconds accumulated in static midline movements count, Example: 30sec plank hold = 30 reps.

**Remember everything that we do in CrossFit starts with the core and moves to the extremities.  So improve your overall strength is ‘AB’ril!
**Not sure if the movements in class count towards your total? Ask a Coach