Tuesday 4.14.15 Competitor WOD

Dynamic Effort Lower


Back Squat (1×8 @ 50% + 30#)
**Warm Up Reps
x8 w/ empty barbell
x6 @ 35%
x4 @ 50%
x8 @ 50% + 30#
**If you fail stop, do not drop weight and continue. Next week we will change the variation
**If you failed last week, complete 1×4 @ 50% and stop


“Stairway to Heaven”
Power Snatches (105,65)
Back Squats (105,65)
E2MOM complete 2 Burpee bar Hops
**Work is complete when you either finish the round of 24 or complete a total of 24 burpees (24min)

Special Strength

4×10 Good Mornings

Special Strength

4×20 Overhead barbell walking lunge
**Build to a heavy, but not to failure


50 Partner sideways MB tosses
**Stand 3-5′ away from your partner facing the same direction. The ball is tossed sideways using a twisting motion.


50 banded leg curls
50 banded leg extensions