4.26.15 Box Brief


Good Luck Main Line CrossFit Athlete’s
Mike Shine an Cate Kelly

Click Here to see the workouts

The top 200 masters athletes each age division—40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 and 60-plus—will have fromThursday, April 23 to Monday, April 27 to complete four events. Events may be completed in any order. All four event scores must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. PT April 27.

Masters athletes will have five scores recorded to determine the top 20 in each age division. The first of five scores for masters athletes will be their final Open ranking. The other four scores are the final rankings of each event from the Masters Qualifier.

Athletes may be asked to submit video of one of the four events. Masters athletes are encouraged to film each of the four Masters Qualifier events.

The 20 athletes with the fewest points at the end of the qualifier will receive an invitation to compete at the CrossFit Games in Carson, California.

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