Thursday 5.14.15 WOD

Announcement: CrossFit Prom Saturday May 16th
Want to be Crowned King or Queen?
Top Score on Tuesday and Thursdays WOD wins!

Dynamic Effort Upper (speed day)


Bench PressĀ (@ 70% 1RM 3×3 wide, 3×3 normal, 3×3 narrow)

CrossFit Prom WOD #2

“The Toxic Shocker”
15min AMRAP
1 Burpee Box Jump (24,20)
1 Hang Power Snatch (75,55)
2 Burpee Box Jumps
2 Hang Power Snatches
3 Burpee Box Jumps
3 Hang Power Snatches
**Climb the ladder as high as possible in 15min
**Score total reps

$ Out

3×20 Banded Sit ups

Muscle Up Progression/Skill Work

8×3 Ring Rows or Barbell Rows
**Every 3rd pull make the transition to the dip position
**focus on pulling to sternum and maintaining false gripĀ  on rings