Wednesday 5.20.15 WOD

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule

Saturday 5.23.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WODs, No Yoga
Sunday 5.24.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WODs, No Barbell Club
Monday 5.25.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WOD only

Dynamic Effort Upper (speed day)


Bench PressĀ (@ 75% 1RM 3×3 wide, 3×3 normal, 3×3 narrow )


“El Toro”
4 Rounds
400m Row
10 KB Thrusters, right arm (45,25)
10 KB Thrusters, left arm (45,25)
**15min time cap

$ Out

3×20 Standing Banded Crunches

Muscle Up Practice/Skill

10×3 False Grip Pull Ups on rings