Sunday 5.24.15 WOD

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule

Saturday 5.23.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WODs, No Yoga
Sunday 5.24.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WODs, No Barbell Club
Monday 5.25.15 – 8:30 and 9:30am WOD only

Max Effort Upper


Power JerkĀ (1RM with 4sec. pause in bottom of dip)


1000m Row
50 KB Swings (55,35)
50 Sit Ups
750m Row
35 KB Swings
35 Sit Ups
500m Row
25 KB Swings
25 Sit Ups

$ Out

3×20 Standing Banded Oblique Twist
**20 each side

Muscle Up Practice/Skill

3×8 Strict Transitions
Video – watch starting at min. 11

Outlaw Way Muscle-Up Progression from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.