Monday 8.10.15 WOD

Max Effort Lower


Clean From BlocksĀ (1RM , bar just below knee height)
**Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar


“3 Double Rankel”
3 Rounds of Double “Rankel”
12 Deadlifts (225,135)
14 Burpee Pull Ups
20 KB Swings (70,55)
400m Run
**No time cap
U.S. Marine Corps SergeantĀ John Rankel, 23, of Speedway, Indiana, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1 Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on June 7, 2010, while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by mother and stepfather Don and Trisha Stockhoff; father and stepmother, Kevin and Kim Rankel; and brothers Nathan Stockhoff and Tyler Rankel.

$ Out

400m Row
400m Run
40 Cal Assault Bike