Coaching Tips
Everyone is doing a great job of communicating the Why? we perform the many lift variations on DE and ME days. Be careful not to find yourself caught up in an in-depth explanation that slows down the ‘energy’ of the class. Keep the energy high by quickly covering the high points and moving on. The goal is to overtime communicate the overall importance of lift and programming.
Great video below on why you need to additional strength and accessory work.
This video will help you answers Athletes questions about adding additional volume.
Dynamic Effort Lower
Mobility: 6min
3min each side, hamstring flossing 9:05 – 9:50
**we will repeat this mobility the next 3 weeks. Goal is to sit the femur into the hip socket, creating greater hip flexion for a better deadlift set up.
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Lately we have been adding in small retcon/warm up extension to prime the Athletes neurological systems. Don’t forget to complete a shortened dynamic warm up in addition to this. You can choose to complete a slow short dynamic warm up and then a fast short metcon. Our line dynamic warm up not only insures Athletes are fully warmed up, it helps build community by funneling everyone back into lines to encourage conversation. Warming up small groups in circles, etc. is another great way to accomplish this.
3 Rounds
30 Sec. Max Sit Ups
15 Deadlifts (185,115)
400m Run
**Choose your DL weight carefully, you will need to cycle through them quickly
**Your 30sec max rep clock starts with the first sit up of each round