9.9.15 WOD NOTES

No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday

Explosive Strength

Mobility: 4min

2min each side, Coaches choice, foam roll or LAX calves

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Skill Work

5 rounds
30sec. Max Dubs
1min. Rest
**1 burpee penalty for every rep difference from best to worst set
**Score total number of dubs completed each round
Use this as an extended warm up. Que Athletes during this time. Refer to videos below.

WOD: 20min

“Tequila Sunrise”
10 Rounds
200m Run
3 C2B (evens)
3 Bar Muscle Ups (odds)
30 Dubs (50 singles)
**Modify Bar MUs with jumping or banded Bar MUs
Budget 20min for todays WOD, there is no time cap. Note that there is a bar MU modification listed. Review these modifications as part of your WOD demo. Dubs are not x3, singles number is listed at 50 to speed up Athletes. C2B modifications, we would rather see athletes complete Rx pull ups than banded C2B. If Athletes can not complete Rx pull ups or C2B then complete difficult banded C2B. Athletes will rotate rounds of C2B and Bar MUs. Start with C2B.

$ Out

3x30sec. Barbel Overhead Static Hold