9.11.15 WOD NOTES

No Max Effort this week, prepare for “The CrossFit Total” on Sunday


2:53 – 4:36 http://www.mobilitywod.com/daily/wednesday-september-9th-2015/
This is our classic overhead banded distractions with added pieces. Make sure you watch the entire video.

Dynamic Warm Up: 7min

NOTES: Lengthen this our today. Add something new. If you choose to complete a short WOD with Kbs (see below WOD Notes) make sure to complete a dynamic/line warm up.

Strength: Off

No ME this week. Recovery for Sunday “CrossFit Total”. Make sure you inform Athletes.

WOD: 30min

3 Rounds
20 Cal No Legs Assault Bike
KB Swings (55,35)
**No time cap
Budget 30min for this workout. There are 3 rounds in this workout, Each round starts with a 20cal NO LEGs Assault Bike, feet stay on pegs, arms only. After Assault Bike Athletes will then complete 18-15-12 Burpees and KB Swings. Then restart round with Assault Bike. KB Swings, coach Athletes to set the goal of completing unbroken. Spend some time reviewing the KB swings, have athletes grab KBs and create a warm up.  Burpees, Coach Athletes to keep moving. Demo how to walk up and back on burpees to keep moving.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

1min Middle + 30sec. each side
Heavy Band Static Ab Crunch