9.18.15 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Upper

Mobility: 6min

3min each side, 0:00 – 2:04 http://www.mobilitywod.com/2012/03/better-benching-and-pressing/. If busy do not use bands, KBs only.

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Incline Bench Press (1RM)
The incline press is a good middle of the road movement to the overhead press and bench press. The incline press requires additional shoulder mobility, so Athletes with shoulder impingements need to avoid passing the below below parallel. The incline press can be used a rep max or as an assistant lift to the bench press and overhead press.
Bench Press Set Up http://www.mobilitywod.com/2013/05/pro-episode-11-bench-set-up-qa-w-laura-phelps-sweatt-pro-user-request/. Stack x2 45# bumper plates under bench press to create an incline.

WOD: 23min

“Charmed by a snake….”
12min AMRAP
12 Alternating DB Split Snatches (60,45)
15 Pull Ups
**Score rounds + reps
DB must touch the ground each rep and must rotate hands each reps. Athletes can split with whatever foot they want, they do not have to rotate each rep.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

4×20 Banded DB Side Bends
**each side


Sunday 9.19.15 – “The Other CrossFit Total”