Dynamic Effort Lower
Back Squat (6×3 @ 50% Tempo 2-1-1-0)
“Up Front & Personal”
In 8min Complete
200 Dubs (x2)
1RM Snatch
In 8min Complete
70 Burpees
1RM Snatch
In 8min Complete
70,60 Cal Row
1RM Snatch
**Score the heaviest weight of each snatch
200 Dubs (x2)
1RM Snatch
In 8min Complete
70 Burpees
1RM Snatch
In 8min Complete
70,60 Cal Row
1RM Snatch
**Score the heaviest weight of each snatch
$ Out
4×18 GHD Sit ups
1sec. pause
1sec. accent
No pause at the top