Thursday 10.15.15 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

Mobility: 5min

Lifestyle Challenge – Day 15 Mobility

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Overhead Squat (6×3 w/ earthquake bar @ 25% + 25% hanging)
Insure that Athletes are working at a true 25% bar weight + 25% hanging, because it will be difficult to stable the weight overhead.
The addition of the earthquake bar not introduces a new variation, make sure to educate the Athletes on why. The Earthquake bar give us an additional variation to prevent accommodation (plateauing). The instability of the bar requires additional shoulder stabilization; preventing shoulder injuries and improving mobility.
From the rack. use red bands to hang Kbs and metal plates from the bar. Do not choke the band around the KB/metal plates, this will increase the length of the band increasing the ‘wobbliness’ of the bar. Place the band through the KB or metal plate and both ends onto the bar. Back rack the barbell, step back and push press the bar overhead to perform OHS.

WOD: 18min

“Hocus Pocus”
5 x 3min AMRAPs
3 Power Cleans (135,95)
6 Front Squats (135,95)
9 HR Push Ups
1min Rest
**Rx+ (155,105)
**Each AMRAP pick up where you left off, score total rounds + reps
If not Rx weights, Athletes should be able to complete PC and FS unbroken each round. But he 5th AMRAP it will become difficult but Athletes should be able to work through unbroken sets. HR Push Ups, Hand Release. Athletes start new AMRAP where they left off. Rest is mandatory. Athletes should go ALL OUT during each 3min AMRAP.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

3×10 DB overhead sit ups with feet anchored


Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15
Click Here for more details