Tuesday 10.20.15 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

Mobility: 5min

Lifestyle Challenge – Day 20 Mobility

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Overhead Squat ( 6×3 w/ earth quake bar @ 30% + 25%hanging)
**Use band to hang KBs + metal plates from bar

Insure that Athletes are working at a true 30% bar weight + 25% hanging, because it will be difficult to stable the weight overhead.
The addition of the earthquake bar not introduces a new variation, make sure to educate the Athletes on why. The Earthquake bar give us an additional variation to prevent accommodation (plateauing). The instability of the bar requires additional shoulder stabilization; preventing shoulder injuries and improving mobility.
From the rack. use red bands to hang Kbs and metal plates from the bar. Do not choke the band around the KB/metal plates, this will increase the length of the band increasing the ‘wobbliness’ of the bar. Place the band through the KB or metal plate and both ends onto the bar. Back rack the barbell, step back and push press the bar overhead to perform OHS.

WOD: 20min

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
Athletes should move quickly through this benchmark retcon. If not Rx KB swings Athletes should choose a weight they can complete all 3 rounds unbroken. KB weights 55,35.

$ Out

3 Rounds
12 Ball Slams
21 Hollow Rocks
If you have extra time complete as group. Not for time.


Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15
Click Here for more details