10.23.15 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Lower

Mobility: 5min

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Over the next week focus on expanding the dynamic warm up by adding new movements

Strength: 15min

Back Rack LungeĀ (20RM, L+R=2)
Take from rack. Athletes need to warm up by completing multiple reps. After warm up, if Athletes complete several reps and think they can complete 20 total reps, they need to stop, add weight and continue towards a 20RM.


4 Rounds
2 Rope Climbs
200m Sprint
8 Alt. DB Squat Snatches (60,35)
200m Sprint
**You must pass through the bottom of the OHS squat
DB snatches are programmed to be heavy. Athlete must pass through the bottom of the OHS.

$ Out

Row Meters: 500-400-300-200-100
Rest 1:1


Lifestyle Challenge 10.1.15 – 10.30.15
Click Here for more details