Thursday 11.19.15 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Upper

Mobility: 5min

Repeat from Monday, Will use this mobility for the next 3 week DE Cycle.
2:00 -3:10

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Bench Press (9×3 @ 50% + band tension)
3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow
In a traditional bench press, as the bar is pressed away form the Athletes chest it becomes easier to lockout as the Athletes mechanical advantage increases. In layman terms the angles of the joints become easier to overcome for the Athletes. Adding Accommodating resistance to the ‘lockout’ phase of the benchpress gives Athletes additional weight at the top end of the lift, helping them lockout.
Traditional set up + band tension. Make sure to teach proper set up.

WOD: 15min

“Rowing Helen”
3 Rounds for Time:
Row 500m
21 Kettlebell swings (55,35)
12 pull-ups
If not Rx, Athletes should be able to complete the first round of 21 swings unbroken.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

DB Grip Work
3 x Max time hold end of DB