Friday 11.20.15 WOD

Don’t forget….
Free Handstand Push Up Clinic
Saturday 12-2pm

Max Effort Lower

Back Squat (1 Attempt Max Reps Back Squat (45,35))
**You may not stop movement


“Deck of Cards”
Split Class into 2 Teams:.
Hearts = HR Push Ups
Diamonds = T2B
Spades = MB Cleans (20,14)
Clubs = Pull Ups
**Cards are flipped over one at a time.
Entire team completes the repetitions before flipping the next card.
**Number represents repetitions (All face cards = 10, Aces = 1)
**Suit represents the movement
**Score is the time it takes your team to make it through the deck!

$ Out

Side Planks – 3x Max Time, Each Side


Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
Thursday 11.26.15
9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed
Friday 11.27.15
9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs)

Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open!