Tuesday 12.29.15 WOD

Holiday Schedule
12.31.15 – 6:00am, 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only
1.1.16 – 9:30am, 12:00pm and 4:30pm WODs only

Dynamic Effort Upper


Turkish Get UpĀ (1RM, each side)


7min AMRAP
20 KB Swings (70,55)
20 Dubs (x3)
30 KB Swings (55,45)
30 Dubs (x3)
40 KB Swings (45,35)
40 Dubs (x3)
50 KB Swings (35,25)
50 Dubs (x3)
**Score total reps
**3min Rest, then in 9min work your way back down the ladder from where you left off. For every rep you do not make complete in 9min complete 1 burpee penalty.

$ Out

3×12 V-Ups