Max Effort Lower
Mobility: 5min
Coaches choice
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Strength: 20min
**Score heaviest weight used as each set
1. Front Squat (1×5)
1. Front Squat (1×5)
2. Front Squat (1×10)
3. Front Squat (1×15)
Budget 20min for the strength, 5min to warm up, 5min to Complete 5RM, 5min to complete 10RM, 5min to complete 15RM. Athletes should take 3-5 set warm up past 50% then complete each RM in no more than 2 attempts. Coach Athletes that if they feel they can complete a heavier rep to stop shy of the rep max add weight and continue.
Budget 20min for the strength, 5min to warm up, 5min to Complete 5RM, 5min to complete 10RM, 5min to complete 15RM. Athletes should take 3-5 set warm up past 50% then complete each RM in no more than 2 attempts. Coach Athletes that if they feel they can complete a heavier rep to stop shy of the rep max add weight and continue.
WOD: 12min
“Grimm’s Fairy Tale”
12min AMRAP
1 Round of “DT”
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
**”DT”: 12 DL+9HPC+6STOH (155,105,135,95)
**”Cindy”: 5PU+10PU+15SQ
**Score Rounds + Reps (count all reps)
1 Round of “DT”
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
**”DT”: 12 DL+9HPC+6STOH (155,105,135,95)
**”Cindy”: 5PU+10PU+15SQ
**Score Rounds + Reps (count all reps)
There are Rx and Rx+ weights listed for “DT”. Athletes should use their previous DT weight or a weight they can complete
Could Down Stretch: 2-3min
$ Out
3×15 Partner med ball sit ups