Explosive Strength
Mobility: 5min
5min Keg Stretch with barbell, work hands from snatch grip to clean grip. Hips stay on floor, drive chin to chest.
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Start slow, end fast. neurologically prime for WODs
Strength: 10min
Power Snatch (3RM Hang Power Snatch + OHS)
Athletes will perform x3 Hang Power Snatches and end with x1 OHS.
Allows Athletes to work at high volume while keeping weight low, aiding in a faster recovery time.
Why hang power snatch x3?
As the Athlete increases the weight they will have to become more efficient in the second pull and foot placement.
Athlete needs to stand to full extension before performing the first HPS. This will allow the Athletes to efficiently organize their midline. The Athlete will then perform x3 hang power snatches and finish with one overhead squat
WOD #1: 7min
7min AMRAP
Cals on Assault Bike
**Score total Cals
Cals on Assault Bike
**Score total Cals
See below
Rest: 7min to WOD #2
WOD #2: 7min
“Pearls Before Swine”
7min AMRAP
9 Hang Snatches (95,65,75,55)
21 Dubs (x3)
**Score rounds + reps
9 Hang Snatches (95,65,75,55)
21 Dubs (x3)
**Score rounds + reps
If busy count Athletes into 3 groups.
If busy count Athletes into 3 groups.
Starting positions:
Group 1: 7min Assault bike
Group 2: 7min Rest
Group 3: 7min AMRAP
The athletes will then rotate through the movements. Allow 28 minutes so that group 2 can rest 7min (Example Group 2 above; 7min Rest –then–7min AMRAP–then–7min rest–then–7min Assault Bike.
Assault Bike:
Coach Athletes that if they struggle during the 7min AMRAP to take a Tabata mental approach.
7min AMRAP:
Snatch weights are listed as true Rx+ and Rx. Less than 10% of your Athletes should complete Rx+ and Rx, combined. Snatch weight should be manageable for 9 reps unbroken through 3 rounds.
Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min
$ Out
6x20sec. static crunch holds with feet anchored
**Complete as EMOM.
Min 1-3 less than 50%
Min 3-6 50-80%
Min 6-10 1RM