Conjugate Strength
1. Banded Back Squat – Double Orange (@ 55% + 25% Bands 10×2)
1. Banded Back Squat – Single Red (@ 55% + 25% Bands 10×2)
2. Snatch Balance (Build to Heavy Single (Min 7 sets))
3. Snatch from High Blocks (Above thigh – Build to Heavy Single (Min 7 sets))
4. Seated Good Mornings (3×10)
5. Weighted Ring Dips (4×6 (Use toughest modification))
1. 1s Pause Front Squat (@ 70% 6×3)
2. Power Clean (1RM (Min 8 sets))
3. Strict Press Against Single Red Band (@ ~50% 8×3)
4. Incline Earthquake Bar Press (3×10 – Max Hanging KB’s)
5. Back Extensions (Weighted 4×6)
1. Squat Clean (Build to Heavy Double )
2. Split Jerk With 3 Second Pause (Singles: 2 @ 50%, 2 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 80%)
3. Front Rack Alternating Lunge (3×10 Each: Goal is to fail 9-10th rep)
4. Clean Grip Bent Over Barbell Row (3×10)
5. Single Leg Barbell Hip Bridge from Bench (3×15 Each: Dig shoulders into bench for more ROM)