Dynamic Effort Upper
Mobility: 5min
Complete all 3 mobility pieces shown.
1min on each piece, per shoulder.
Make sure you coach Athletes through this mobility so that they get the best results.
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Strength: 15min
Split Jerk (EMOM for 10min x2 @ 70%, from rack)
Keep Athletes on target to complete 3 reps every min. Give Athletes 5min to get to 70% then, Start by counting the clock up, do not set the clock to count 1min intervals b/c Athletes may fall behind. We are looking for a true split jerk, when looking at positioning make sure Athletes are achieving a solid split position with a true position of support in the front and back leg and no kick standing.
Keep Athletes on target to complete 3 reps every min. Give Athletes 5min to get to 70% then, Start by counting the clock up, do not set the clock to count 1min intervals b/c Athletes may fall behind. We are looking for a true split jerk, when looking at positioning make sure Athletes are achieving a solid split position with a true position of support in the front and back leg and no kick standing.
WOD: 20min
In 20min Complete:
Bench Press (BW,75%)
Ring Dips (Strict, Kipping)
Pull Ups (Strict, Kipping)
**Score time
Bench Press (BW,75%)
Ring Dips (Strict, Kipping)
Pull Ups (Strict, Kipping)
**Score time
“In 20min Complete” means that there is a 20min time cap on this workout. NOT that this is a 20min AMRAP.
We have lots of benches at each Box. Make sure we are utilizing all the racks so that Athletes can move as quickly as possible. Coach Athletes that it will take time for each of them to complete the 30 body weight bench press and to be patient with sharing benches. If busy stagger the movements Athletes start on. You may want to partner up 2 Athletes that are bench pressing similar weights as one can rest while the other bench presses.
Rx+ = Body Weight Bench Press + Strict Pull Ups + Strict Ring Dips
Rx = 75% Body Weight Bench Press + Kipping Pull Ups + Kipping Ring Dips
**2sec up, 5sec down