Sunday 1.31.16 WOD NOTES

Explosive Strength

Mobility: 5min

Coaches Choice

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Speed ladder day!

Strength: 14min

Clean and Jerk (Every 2min for 14min x1, build across)
**Only 7 reps, score heaviest weight
Athletes will build across to a heavy c&j. Give Athlete 3min to get to a starting weight and game plan. Hold them strict to 7 total working reps.  2min is a long time for a single rep, Athletes should complete a full squat clean and split jerk.

WOD: 30min

“1/2 “Miagi””
1/2 “Miagi”
25 Deadlifts (135,95)
25 Double KB swings (55,35)
25 Pushups
25 Clean & Jerks (135,95)
25 Pullups
25 KB “Taters” (55,35)
25 Box Jumps (24,20)
25 Wall Walks
25 K2E
25 Dubs (x3)
Lots of movements today, quickly review each one + one modification then work with new Athletes to insure that they are comfortable. Videos for double KB swings and KB Taters below. WOD demo below of full “Miagi”.

$ Out

20 Hanging Strict Straight Leg Raises