Sat. 2.13 FREE Oly and Muscle Up Clinic for beginners
Sun 2.14 Valentines Day WOD & Party
Max Effort Upper
Mobility: 5min
Coaches Choice. Take a look at and pick a variation on your favorite upper mobility piece.
Dynamic Warm Up: 5min
Strength: 12min
Weighted Pull-ups (1RM )
WOD: 15min
15min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (135,95,115,75)
10 Box Jumps (24,20)
15 Wall Balls (20,14)
5 Power Cleans (135,95,115,75)
10 Box Jumps (24,20)
15 Wall Balls (20,14)
The more difficult workouts are those that are simple.
There are Rx+ and Rx weights listed. Rx+ and Rx box jumps heights and wall balls weights are the same. PC, Athletes need to be able to complete x5 unbroken.
The more difficult workouts are those that are simple.
There are Rx+ and Rx weights listed. Rx+ and Rx box jumps heights and wall balls weights are the same. PC, Athletes need to be able to complete x5 unbroken.
Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min
$ Out
4 x max time “L” hangs
**Hang from rig
**Hang from rig
Use dip belts, KB, metal plates and incremental. Modify to weighted ring row, video below. Weighted ring row, we are looking for Athletes to hold body between 45 degree angle an parallel. Athlete must hold body static position (shoulders, hip and knee in straight line) while being loaded and performing movement. If they break at hip it is a no rep. Athletes must pull from extension to rings to arm pits and pause for 1sec.