Thursday 2.18.16 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower


Complete after dynamic warm up. Complete 4x20sec. isometric holds with band, video below

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 12min

Sumo Deadlift (24×1 @ 50% + Band Tension (green, blue)
**Record weight and band color in comments
Give athletes 2min to get bar to 50% + band tension. Then start the clock, Athletes should perform 1 lift every 20 sec. Give every Athlete their own bar and band. Green – Men. Blue – Women
The sumo deadlift is much ore technical than the conventional deadlift as it requires additional hip and posterior chain engagement while being less stressful on the lower back. Although it may take more time for Athletes to perfect the sumo deadlift it requires less mobility in the hip and ankle making a great tool to increase you conventional deadlift weight and movement patterns. Like all variation on conventional lifts, if we can increase the amount of load we can move we will in turn increase the conventional lift.
Why Bands?
Accommodating resistance allows Athletes to load specific positions of the lift. In this case we are adding additional resistance to the lock out position of the lift to stress the importance of bringing your hips quickly to the bar.
Video below

WOD: 18min

Happy 18th Birthday Jack Dwyer.
Join Jack at the 6am Wayne workout.
“Jack’s Complex”
18 Min AMRAP
1 Clean Complex
1 Bar Complex
**Todays weight is based on your age. Start with a bar weighing 175,125 and subtract your age. This will be your working weight
**Sq Cl + Hang Sq. Cl = 1 Rep
** ‘L’ Pull Up + Kipping PU = 1 Rep
Athlete should move quickly today. both completes could be completed unbroken, but not required for Rx. If Athletes are dropping barbells between sq clean and hang squat clean they are going to heavy. Note that this is an AMRAP and 1 clean complex = 1 rep and and 1 bar complex = 1 rep.
Rx = ‘L’ Pull Up (legs straight, feet above hips) + Kipping Pull Up
Scale #1: Strict Pull Up with knees raised + Kipping Pull Up
Scale #2: Strict Pull + Kipping Pull Up
Scale #3: Kipping Pull Up + Kipping Pull Up
Scale #4: Strict Ring Row + Kipping Ring Row

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out: 2min

4 Rounds 20sec on 10sec. off
Barbell Side Bends
After WOD have the class leave barbells out and coach them through the $ Out