Sunday 3.20.16 WOD NOTES

Competition Day

Mobility: None

Dynamic Warm Up: None
Instead write the below on a whiteboard and have people complete it as they arrive
AMRAP until movement demo begins. 3 Burpee Pull Ups, 6 Sit Ups, 9 Air Squats

WOD: 50min

For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups

**Attempt a PR!
30 Bear Complexes (115,75,95,65)
**BC: Everytime you drop the bar complete; 3 burpees + 6 T2B (K2E) + 9 Wall Balls (20,14)
**BC=Cluster + BS + BNP
Snatch (1RM)
Start on time
WOD #1: Athletes need to attempt a PR at “Jackie”. Make sure that empty barbells are not dropped. We had 2 barbells broken last week because they were dropped without any weight on them.
WOD #2: Bear Complexes. This is really a barbell complex, we are referring to it as a barbell complex because of the movements involved. Athletes can combine movements however they want as long as standards are meet. If the barbell is dropped there is a penalty round of burpees, T2B and wall balls. Each Athlete does not need their own set up for the penalty round, 3 Athletes can share a single wall ball.
WOD #3: 1RM snatch. Athletes can warm up prior to the 40min mark but can not begin attempts until the clock hits 40min. They can take as many rounds as they would like.

$ Out

3×15 V-Up with PVC overhead