Partner Up!
In 30min complete:
2400m Run
50 Unison T2B (K2E)
100 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
50 Squat Cleans (135,95,115,75)
100 Pull Ups (jumping pull ups)
50 Unison Burpees
**Run completed 200m sprint at a time, each partner runs 12 sprints
**Unison T2B, both partners can count reps as long as they are both hanging from bar
**Unison burpees, both partners must be on floor at same time and on feet at same time
**One works one rest, split up reps however on remaining movements
2400m Run
50 Unison T2B (K2E)
100 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
50 Squat Cleans (135,95,115,75)
100 Pull Ups (jumping pull ups)
50 Unison Burpees
**Run completed 200m sprint at a time, each partner runs 12 sprints
**Unison T2B, both partners can count reps as long as they are both hanging from bar
**Unison burpees, both partners must be on floor at same time and on feet at same time
**One works one rest, split up reps however on remaining movements
$ Out
Have a great weekend!