Friday 4.1.16 WOD NOTES

Max Effort Upper

Mobility: 5min

Coaches choice for upper pulling and hip ext.

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 10min

30 Bar Muscle Ups – For Time
**Scale to 60 banded C2B or PU
**EC: + vest
**10min time cap
As an extended warm up have all Athletes on rig breaking down kipping mechanics.
Make sure to coach Athlete that are scaling that this should no be easy. Athletes need to pick a challenging band to assist them. Athletes should not be able to complete 60 pull ups or C2B unbroken. Especially if they are using a band.
If Athletes easily have banded pull ups or Rx pull ups move them to C2B.
Extra Credit = wear a weight vest for the bar MUs.
Note EC or modifications in comments


In 18min
5 Rounds
400/300m Row
Max Ubroken STOH (95,65,75,55)
**Score total STOH, no resting on shoulders or overhead. Must be continuous movement.
Athletes should achieve 10+ reps each round. If they are not move them to a jerk variation or lower weight. If 10+ reps are completed per round Athletes will take 15+min to complete. They will have to move fast!

Cool Down Stretch: NONE

None, Coach $ Out b/c ABril starts today!

$ Out

4×12 AB Ring Fallouts