Sunday 3.10.16 WOD NOTES

Mobility: 4min

2min each side Couch Stretch Coaches Choice

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

WOD: 30min

“Nobody puts KK in the corner!”
In 30min Complete:
Deadlift (225,155,185,135)
Box jump (24,20,20,18)
NOTES: Looking for sub 5min times
Deadlift weight should be comparable to ‘Diane’, Athletes should be able to complete 7+ TNG reps unbroken each set.
–3min Rest–
3 rounds
10 Power cleans (175,125,135,95)
NOTES: Looking for sub 7min times
Athletes should be able to complete 10 HSPU in max 2 sets each round. PC weight should be heavy, sets of 4+ TNG should be possible.
–3min Rest–
50 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12)
40 DUBs (x3)
10 Bar or Ring MU
NOTES: Looking for sub 7min times
Wallballs and DUBs should be completed unbroken to have enough time to complete 10 MUs under the 30min time cap
**1RX+ MU = Rx 3PU+3PU
**Todays Competition WOD written by Cate Kelly (KK)
This WOD is comprised of 3 fast WODs. 30min time cap including rest. Score total time including rest. 5min rest is mandatory.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

Pallof Press
2 x max reps each side