Sunday 4.17.16 WOD NOTES

Competition Day!

**Have your barbell loaded for WOD #1 before class starts

Mobility: None


AMRAP until class time
5 Cal Row
10 Sit Ups
15 Air Squats
This is posted on Wodify. Coach Athletes to complete as they enter the door. They should have barbell for WOD #1 set up before class time starts.


“No Retreat, No Surrender”
— 0-18min —
For Time:
18 Thrusters
400m Run
18 Power Cleans
18 Front Rack Lunges (L+R=2)
18 Power Cleans
400m Run
18 Thrusters
**Loading: (95,65,75,55)
Each movement should be completed unbroken. Athletes breaking up movements will not have enough recovery time.
For Time:
5 Rounds
25sec. ‘L’ Hang
3 Clean and Jerks
**Loading: (185,135,155,105)
‘L’ Hang: Rx+ & Rx heels above hips, legs straight out in front, does not have to be an unbroken 25sec. Athletes can accumulate. Scale to bent knee or hollow rock on ground. Clean And Jerks should be heavy and singles
For Time:
Squat Snatch
Muscle Ups (bar or ring)
**Loading: (135,95,115,75)
Rx+ & Rx = MUs (bar or ring), Scales = MU attempts or 2PU + 2 PU. If Athlete get hung up on squat snatch lower weight to make successful

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4×20 Partner Leg Throws