Thursday 4.21.16 WOD NOTES

Dynamic Effort Lower

Mobility: 5min

3o lunge forwards each side. 3:00 – 3:40

Dynamic Warm Up: 5min

Strength: 15min

Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (6×5 @ 50% + Band)
**Below Parallel


“Time Cop”
3min AMRAP
10 Pistols (L+R=2)
10 DB Snatches (60,45,55,35)
10 Box Jumps (20,20)
–3min Rest–
3min AMRAP
8 Pistols
8 DB Snatches
8 Box Jumps
–3min Rest–
3min AMRAP
6 Pistols
6 DB Snatches
6 Box Jumps
**Score reps of each AMRAP
Pistol scale to sitting onto box and up. This will limit equipment.

Cool Down Stretch: 2-3min

$ Out

Assault Bike Cals
GHD Sit Ups