Week of 4.25.16 Barbell Club

Conjugate Strength


1.  Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (@ 55% + 25% 10×2)
2.  Clean (Build to 90% 5×1)
3.  Muscle Snatch (5×5)
4.  Banded Deadlift (Heavy Single – 5 working sets or less)
** Green Band: > 300 # conventional DL
** Blue Band: < 300 # conventional DL
5.  Incline DB Press (3×8)


1.  Hang Snatch (2RM)
2.  Snatch Pull (3×5 @ 90%)
3.  Push Jerk Against Single Orange (@ 50% + 25% 8×3)
4.  Banded Thrusters (3×8 – Build Across)
(This setup might be better than ours.  Give it a try if you like.)

5.  Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
30 Bradford Press (15/7.5 kbs)
30 GHD Thumbs Down Rear Delt Raises (10/5 plates)


1.  Sotts Press – Front Rack (5×3)

2.  Front Rack Reverse Lunge (3×8 Each)
3.  Underhand Bent Over Barbell Row (3×10)
4.  Sweatt Shrugs (3×8)

5.  Chest Supported Flat Bench Rows (3×12)
6.  Single Leg Barbell Hip Bridges (3×15)