Conjugate Strength
1. Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (1RM)
2. Clean + 3 Front Squats (6×1)
3. Earthquake Bar OH Walking Lunges (3×12 steps)
4. Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (5×1)
5. GHD Back Extentions (3×20 or Max)
1. 20 E2MOM
2 UB Squat Snatches
Start at 40% and add 10# each time
2 UB Squat Snatches
Start at 40% and add 10# each time
2a. Overhead Squat (@85% 4×2)
2b. Overhead Squat (@ 90% 4×2)
3. Front Squat (1×8 Up 10# from last week)
4. Push Press (3RM)
5a. Bradford Press – Earthquake Bar (3×30 SS with Weighted Planks)
5b. Weighted Plank Hold (3x30s with Max Weight SS with Bradford Press)
6. Weighted Bench Dips (3×8)
1. Front Squat (6×4)
2. Banded Clean Speed Pull (@ 80% 10×1)
3. 20 E2MOM – 2 Clean and Jerks (Build across)
4. Snatch Grip Dimel Deadlifts (3×20 @ 30% of 1RM Deadlift)
5. Barbell Lateral Step Ups (2×12 Each side)
6. Reverse Hypers (2×20)
7. Handstand Hold (Accumulate 3 min)