Saturday 10.22.16 WOD



Partner UP and Battle
Every 2 min for 8 min
A)    25 Burpees
AMRAP Power Snatches (95,65,75,55)
—1 min transition—
Every 2 min for 8 min
B)    400m Run Together
AMRAP Pushups
—1 min transition—
Every 2 min for 8 min
C)    40 Wall Balls (20,14)
AMRAP Box Jump Overs (20,20)
—1 min transition—
Every 2 min for 8 min
D)    40 KB Swings (55,35,45,25)
AMRAP Thruster (95,65,75,55)

**Partner up and pick a team to battle
**A, B, C, D are all every 2 min on the min for 2 full rounds (8 min), making to total WOD time 32min
**One person works at a time, split reps any way you like
**Team 1 in section A will complete 25 burpees as fast as possible while Team 2 in section A will AMRAP power snatches.  As soon as team 1 is finished with 25 burpees team 2 must stop power snatches.  Rest for remainder of 2 min.   At 2 min Team 2 will complete 25 burpees as fast as possible while Team 1 AMRAP power snatches.  At 4 min team 1 will go back to burpees and team 2 will AMRAP, at 6 min switch.
**The faster the pace team works the less time the other team has to complete AMRAP reps.
**Score is AMRAP reps at A, B, C, D

$ Out

Have a great weekend!