There are 2 nutritional paths for this challenge and their merits are beyond the scope of this post. References will be provided for both.
Option 1 (10 points per day, 300 points possible)
The CLARK KENT / DIANA PRINCE (CD) option. Because sometimes super heroes are just too intense in their spandex glory.
CD is an “eat real food challenge with its roots based in the “Primal” and “Paleo” food recommendations. Coach Daniel will be your Captain for CD, feel free ask or email him questions –
10 Points will be awarded each day the following conditions are met:
All foods came from this list (mainly from “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson:
Beverages: no sugar or artificial sweeteners. Be careful, manufacturers can be tricky, read the label
Fats and Oils: Coconut, Sesame, Olive, Sunflower, Palm. (Animal fats, butter and coconut oil are best for cooking)
Fish: Wild-caught is best. Small, oily, cold-water fish is best (anchoives, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines)
Meat: Conventional meats, leanest possible
Fruits: In-season preferred. Berries are premier choice.
Herbs & Spices
Meat and Fowl: organic, free-range, grass-fed/grass-finished, hormone-free are preferred
Nuts, Seeds and their derivative butters
Starchy Tuber Vegetables: Yams & sweet potatoes
Vegetables: Locally grown, in-season preferred.
“Grains”: Wild Rice, Quinoa. Thats right…. We are allowing a few grains 🙂
Dairy: Raw, fermented, high fat and organic (including cheese)
Indulgences: Dark Chocolate (80%+ cocoa), Alcohol sensibly (honor system here…, red wine is best choice)
Option 2: (330 points possible)
A.K.A. SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN (SW), is the Whole 30 or Macros designed diets.
Why Superhero????
What is a superhero?
Someone that can fly through the air, leap small buildings in a single bound and shoot fire out of their eyes. Or maybe it is simply a representation of those ideals and principles. We tend to scoff at the words Superhero but perhaps its time you choose a higher standard. We aren’t made of steel, but today, like everyday, you get a chance to be better and thats what truly makes people super.
11 Points will be awarded each day the following conditions are met: Thats right, we are holding SW to a higher standard and that desires more credit
Everything ingested is complicit with “The Whole 30” as described in “It Starts With Food” or
Need direction? Starting January 2017 Whole 30 Coaching is available for $55 per individual (including $20 discount for Lifestyle Challenge participants).
Program lead by: Coach Eve
Sign Up for this program and receive:
• Customized goal setting
• Email and Phone Support
• Weekly recipes
• Daily tips and resources including videos
• 2 Chiropractic visits with Dr. Stu
Food to avoid for 30 days
More importantly, here’s what NOT to eat during the duration of your Whole30 program. Omitting all of these foods and beverages will help you regain your healthy metabolism, reduce systemic inflammation, and help you discover how these foods are truly impacting your health, fitness and quality of life.
• Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial
• Do not consume alcohol in any form, not even for cooking
• Do not eat grains
• Do not eat legumes
• Do not eat dairy
• Do not consume carrageenan, MSG or sulfites
• Do not try to re-create baked goods, junk foods, or treats* with “approved” ingredients
These foods are exceptions to the rule, and are allowed during your Whole30.
- Clarified Butter or Ghee
- Fruit juice as a sweetener
- Certain legumes
- Vinegar
- Salt
Everything you need to know to comply with this diet can by found on
Macros dieting is a method of eating that revolves around meeting daily macronutrient targets and not on what you eat to get there. You plan your daily meals to provide you with the appropriate amounts of macronutrients; protein, carbohydrates, fat, to help you reach your goal (loose fat or build muscle).
Macros dieting, also referred to as ‘flexible dieting’, because the focus is not on what you eat, unlike the Paleo, Primal or Whole 30 plans, but on consuming the appropriate amounts of macro ingredients needed to reach your goal.
For anyone looking to lose body fat, gain lean muscle mass, or optimize their athletic performance concentrating on macronutrients may be a good fit. Although generic macros can be calculated from various websites, its best practice to have someone calculate your macros that understands your body type, goals, exercise level and intensity. For example, macros prescriptions based off the government daily caloric intake are not always given in the best proportions.
Need direction? Starting January 2017 Macros Coaching is available for $55 per individual (including $20 discount for Lifestyle Challenge participants).
Program lead by: Coach Ana
Sign Up for this program and receive:
• Customized goal setting
• Weekly check ins with your macros coach
• Email and Phone Support
• Weekly recipes
• Daily tips and resources including videos
5 points for every cheat meal, snack, anything in its proceeded glory or for deviating from the standards in your chosen nutrition path. Five points will be dedicated for each “meal” or “snack”, not for every packet of sugar, scoop of ice cream or glass of wine. So if you’re going to cheat, make it worth it! Macros Athletes: 5 point deduction for not scoring within +10 of your daily macros.
Can I get my lost points back?
YES! 50 burpees to a box jump (24,20) can be performed by both partners to get your 5 points back. You may only get lost points back and both partners must complete the 50 burpees to a box jump to regain the points.
It Starts With Food, Hartwig
Primal Blueprint, Sisson
The Paleo Solution, Robb Wolf
The Paleo Diet, Cordain