12.26.16 Box Brief


CrossFit Skill & Strength Class Launches!

Your going to absolutely LOVE this:

Top level Athletes, executives and even professional CrossFitters all set goals. Setting goals gives you short term focus to your long term plan, centering your time, energy and resources. If you are a goal oriented individual than given the right direction and Coaching you can do anything you put your mind to and you are going to love our new class.

Starting January 1 we are pivoting our Barbell Club time slot to a goal oriented coached class, ‘CrossFit Skills and Strength’. Each month 8 Main Line Athletes, at each location, will have the opportunity to sign up for individualized programmed progressions to help them reach their goals.

Athletes can choose their fitness goal and the skill or strength progressions will be programmed accordingly for them to hit that goal in 4 weeks!

• Increase your squat weight
• Get your first pull up or muscle up
• Become more efficient at the olympic lifts
• Walk 10’ on your hands
• Etc.

For $49 per month, you will receive GUARANTEED individualized programming to meet or exceed your goals. If you complete the program but don’t meet your goal the next 4 week progression is FREE.

CrossFit Skill & Strength Class Time
Ardmore: Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm, Sunday 10:30am
Wayne: Monday & Wednesday 5:30pm, Sunday 10:30am

Questions? Email Jenn@CrossFitMainLine.com
Only 8 Athletes Per Month

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