Sunday 1.1.17 WOD

Steve - Wayne

Monster Mash!

WOD #1

“True Grit”
2,000 meter Row
After the first minute begin ‘Death by Thrusters’ (95,65)
With a running clock start the row. At the 1-minute mark get off the rower, do one thruster, then resume rowing until the 2-minute mark. Do two thrusters, row until the 3-minute mark, do three thrusters, etc. until the 2K row is complete.
**15min time cap
–15min Rest to WOD 2–


4km Assault Bike
After the first minute begin ‘Death by Pull Ups’
With a running clock start the cycle. At the 1-minute mark get off the rower, do one pull up, then resume rowing until the 2-minute mark. Do two pull ups, row until the 3-minute mark, do three pull ups, etc. until the 6km cycle is complete.
**15min time cap

$ Out

40 Anchored T2B