Max Effort Upper
Every 30sec for 6min complete 1 snatch, building to a heavy
–4min Rest–
“CrossFIt Games Open WOD 12.2”
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Snatch x30 (75,45) (45,35)
Snatch x30 (135,75) (75,55)
Snatch x30 (165,100) (100,75)
Snatch AMRAP remaining time (210,120) (120,90)
**Lat completed 2.25.13
Snatch x30 (75,45) (45,35)
Snatch x30 (135,75) (75,55)
Snatch x30 (165,100) (100,75)
Snatch AMRAP remaining time (210,120) (120,90)
**Lat completed 2.25.13
$ Out
100 Unbroken behind the neck press
**pick a weight you can complete this in 5-7 sets
**unbroken = not putting barbell down, you can back rack to rest
**pick a weight you can complete this in 5-7 sets
**unbroken = not putting barbell down, you can back rack to rest