Saturday 5.20.17 WOD

Sid - Ardmore

Warm-up: 5min

Dynamic Warm-up
– High Knees
– Butt Kickers
– Soldier Kicks
– Walking Lunges w. a twist
– Carioca
– Jumping Jack Shuffle
– Broad Jumps
– Back peddle

WOD: 35min

Teams of 2
30min AMRAP
100 Meter Run
10 Rx+ C2B, Rx Pull-ups
10 Push Press (115,75,95,65)
30 Double Unders
*One athlete completes a full round at a time.
L1: (75, 55) (30s Attempts)
L1: (65, 35) (30 Single Unders)

Alternate Scaling Options
– Running: 150 meter row or 30s Bike. Or increase Double Unders to 50 reps per round and add in 10 Air Squats.
Training Intent:
One athlete completes a full round. Push Press should be light enough to be done UB. The rest component should allow athletes to sustain a moderate to high level of intensity. Overall, this workout will be higher volume for your more advanced athletes. Your beginner athletes should work sustaining themselves and not worry as much about loading on the barbell.

$ Out

Have a great weekend!