Tuesday 6.13.17 W.O.D.

Mobility: 5min

Foam Roll w. flexion/extension on tender spots
30s each spot
– IT Bands
– Quads
– Lats

Warm-up: 10min

Grab a light KB and a box and complete:
10 Single Arm Russian Swings (5 ea arm)
10 KB Press (5 ea arm)
10 Alternating Step-ups
10 KB Rows each arm
10 Box Jumps w. a step
PVC Game

WOD: 25min

For time:
100 KBS (53, 35)
75 Calorie Assault Bike
50 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)
25 Strict Pull-ups
L2: (35, 25) (20, 15) (BA Pull-ups)
L1: (30, 20) (20, 16 alt. Step-ups) (Ring Rows)
20:00 Cap
Alternate Scaling Options:
– Assault Bike: 75 Calorie Row or 800m Run
Training Intent
Pacing is key and coming up with a plan before starting is important. KB weight should be light enough that athletes can perform sets 10-15 reps UB. Break up all movements into mangeable sets and keep a consistent heart-rate for the entire workout.

Finisher/Recovery: 5min

3 Rounds of:
1a) BB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
x 6 ea. Rest 30s.
1b) Single Arm/Single Leg Elbow Plank
x 30s. Rest 30s.
1c) KB or DB Hammer Curls
x 10. Rest 30s,
Training Intent
Weights should not be super heavy for this and athletes should be able to move through this workout excessive resting between movements.

$ Out

Banded Paloff Press: 3 x 10 ea. Rest 60s.